One Mother and her children's heart wrenching battle to survive abandonment, disabilities, abuse, and cruelty by the father, Vicente Quiros Dominguez of The Quiros High Wire, (Kooza Show) and their sheltering employer, Cirque du Soleil. You may never want to pay for a ticket again.
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Cynthia 'Charlie' today/ |
Cirque du Soleil said they don't know where he lives and Nevada sent me a form looking for contact information.
Although he is from Spain, he has a green card.which makes him have to obey US laws.
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Cynthia front page in Rotterdam, Holland. 1993 |
Cirque du Soleil has 20 shows currently and he is on the one called 'Kooza'. In the past 6 years, he has purchased 5 cars and 3 motorcycles. His driver's license is in Florida. He has not paid any taxes even though he is working in the United States!
Currently he is working in Dallas, Texas, then he'll go on to St. Petersburg for a month.
He has a Court order to always keep contact information updated with the Court but never has.
Vicente has also been using many alias names!! His formal name is Vicente Quiros Dominguez BUT he, (and others), have begun to use Quiros as a last name. Florida law says that your driver's license must have your correct last name yet he gets away with using his middle name for a last name. He also added an extra 'N' in his first name ViNcente, or a 'J' as a middle initial, or a "Jr.' even though he's the III, and many combinations of these.
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Renee', Roberto, Cynthia and Vicente. The high wire touring Europe for Circo Americano. |
He married his South of the border wife in 1997 in Alachua, Fl. BUT he used Quiros as a last name and now so does she! Again, his last name is legally Dominguez so I'm told the marriage isn't legal.
A call to the Spanish Consulate confirmed that he never divorced me in Spain either.
His little daughters tell my kids it is "THEIR" dad and refuse to give a phone number.
Nevada wrote to Cirque du Soleil and was told they don't have an address for him. Cirque du Soleil IS one of his addresses! They have corporate offices in Montreal and Las Vegas. The owner, Guy Libertine has a net worth of 2.6 BILLION dollars. It's incredible he takes so much money from the US but refuses to assist a mom and kids with Court orders. They DO take a minimal amount BUT with the huge arrears, it will take over 12 years to pay and he's already 50. (51 in December) and it's rare for anyone to continue high wire past 55.
Vicente's driver's license says a Sarasota address that's been in the family 24 years. Another address used by him and his wife is a rental that's been used 17 years. His financial profile states he is earning 13,000.00 a MONTH. Yes, Thirteen thousand dollars a month BUT doesn't pay taxes?
I have run Traces, background checks and so on as has my best friends. He is everywhere and Cirque du Soleil contends that because their main office is in Montreal, he doesn't have to pay US taxes.
The newest tax laws state that we DO have reciprocity with Quebec so the health insurance and the formal request his current financial information to obtain a higher amount towards the enormous arrears,( based on his 13,000.00 a month), should have been honored.
I am told that there are many babies out there by these dead beats who work for this company that violates the laws and refuses information.
They put their performers up in 5 star hotels everywhere and cater food better than a Cruise Ship. Still, he eats out every night spending 100-400 per night.
My 3 children have been treated terribly following an 8 year complete abandonment.
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Cynthia and her daddy, the brilliant Eugene Hackett in Austin, Texas |
Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey on the other hand garnished him and sent payments weekly without needing enforcement. They immediately gave insurance and everyone pays their taxes on The Greatest Show on Earth.
If families would just boycott these Cirque du Soleil shows for even a week, they would get the message and perhaps stop abusing Americans and our already distressed economy.
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"Circus sexiest Ringmaster has surgery to be more like a man" (Voice lowered) 1983 |
I will paste the original blog here as well for the readers to get a complete picture.
I just find it disgusting that the owner, worth 2.6 BILLION dollars lives in Las Vegas and enjoys our great country while taking our hard earned money. THEN allows policies that hurt children and families year after year shamelessly.
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Miss Charlie Hackett on the oldest Circus in the US The Royal Hanneford Circus |
They are robbing countries around the globe and finally are being looked at a little closer.
A federal tax law states that if anyone can turn in companies or people that have defrauded over 2 million in taxes...form 3949A is how to report it and form 211 is where anyone reporting can collect 15% of the total tax bill just for reporting them!
Can we all report this?
How can we believe any government that talks endlessly about tightening up and making taxes even for everyone BUT this company and it's performers and workers are laughing in our faces. I hope the US Tax Department looks into all of this.
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Miss Charlie Hackett first Canadian tour seen with the great Elmo Gibbs. 1984 Tarzan Zerbini Shrine Circus |
Enough is enough.
If there are attorney's out there willing to take a percentage, please write to me. Our son is disabled and the age of majority should not have stopped weekly support. This is a law in Nevada, (NRS) Nevada Revised Statute that was also ignored.
My kids need so many things including college and there are now grand kids who not only have needs BUT were never even invited to see the show when it played in the same town for three months.
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Cynthia rides into Glens Falls and receives key to the city from the mayor. Ringling Brothers 1982 |
Here is the older post and I appreciate help, support, advice, representation or even just prayers.
God Bless and help the families and our Country.
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Miss Charlie Hackett New Orleans 1995 |
This is in no way meant to do harm to any US Circus or circus family, but then again, Cirque du Soleil is anything but a US Circus and the man in the story is a Spanish Citizen..who doesn't have to pay US taxes even though he works here!
As we here in the US continue to complain about our taxes supporting other countries, I am amazed that Montreal based MULTI BILLION dollar Cirque du Soleil, multi show company serves to rob the very victims it alleges to entertain.(Or Cirque do so lame as many of us refer to it).
I know.
My ex husband, Vicente Quiros of the High wire act, (on KOOZA show, one of many touring and Las Vegas based Cirque money makers), he shares with his brothers and cousin has ravaged my life and his children's with the help of Cirque du Soleil. Shamelessly. BOLDLY.
I wonder how hard they laugh at us
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Cynthia on Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus 1982. |
On the other hand, all American Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey is to be commended for having done everything without involving any of our State Child Support Collection agencies. (also paid by tax dollars).
After all, anyone is quick to point out villains but slow in mentioning the heroes.
That's why they won't return to Ringling...he'd have to provide Medical which only costs around 30.00 a month since he already has a family plan with his newer kids fully covered.
After a true comedic performance in The Las Vegas courts where this barely English speaking father of three thought his mere presentation of a Ringling program book would convince the courts to find him international immunity, it was Ringling who upheld the order of child support and medical benefits for the three children of Miss 'Cynthia 'Charlie' Hackett, (me).
In 1996, I dropped one of the 3 kids from the support portion allowing Vicente to keep a greater percentage of his Ringling salary which was around 4,000 a month, back then.
Vicente and his Mexican born wife, Abril married soon after they left Ringling which enabled them to escape any obligations to the three kids, financially, or worse, morally.
For early 8 years, Vicente ignored the children and managed his career on the high wire in countries where 'reciprocity' with the US is not observed. (Meaning, they ignore our courts.)
When the news of The Quiros return to the US leaked by numerous inside sources, I contacted Cirque to go start sending the weekly ordered amount and assist in recovering the 8 years in arrears. I was treated with hostility! I was forced to ask for the assistance of The State of Nevada where we not only signed our agreement but where Vicente maintains a 'permanent' address. (He doesn't own a mortgage to my best knowledge.)
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Cynthia 'Charlie' Hackett (Davis) with Sabu. Yes, he has all his teeth and his claws. Cat weight 146, Charlie's weight 128. |
The Canadian company, (Cirque du Soleil IS a Canadian Company), gave a very hard time to Nevada to say the least. In fact, every attempt to get the medical insurance has been met with threats of alleging HARASSMENT against the State and US. Our case worker had only contacted them 3 times to get the insurance and followed procedures.
She is an extremely kind and professional woman and did not use and strong arm tactics. This was not harassment.
As for the arrears? Well, current financial information is required. Following an expensive ordeal to prove the controlling order, (their first attempt at weaseling through loop holes), Cirque was served more than one year ago to get the financial information. Knowing the usual tactics of supplying only ONE of what might be 3 or 4 contracts per performer, (each 'production number' has it's own value), I was able to help word the request so none of what was the 2 years ago income amount of 12,000.00 PER MONTH plus all expenses slide by.
The father, Vicente will probably retire long before the total is even close to paid. At the current amount they are finally garnishing, he would be an old man long before the amount was satisfied.
So, here I am with an amount ordered in 1996 being collected, no medical and nothing towards the arrears.
They accuse our child support division of harassment? What about our tax payers who have had to fill in for him! Their actions are detrimental to us and to every US tax payer.
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'Charlie' in Vegas 1996 after the birth of their 3rd child, Vicente Christopher Quiros Hackett |
How about the type of care the kids, (especially for the son who shares his dad and Uncle's Tourette's Syndrome), could have gotten if not for Medicaid discrimination?
Yes, it's genetic.
I must tell you fine people that even though Vicente has also been performing within the US, NO TAXES WERE EVER COLLECTED FOR THE US! Despite efforts, not one US tax return has ever been found since he's been with Cirque du Soleil
He now has 2 more girls. Beautiful girls just like the first 2 we had but we also share a son, Vicente Jr. or 'Chris'. The NRS, (Nevada laws), state that when a child has certain disabilities, the age of 18 won't stop the support obligation. Despite record after record which would more than fulfill this, the support is scheduled to stop and the arrears will kick in at the same slow minimal rate.
With fines and penalties, the actual amount is well over 90,000.00 and the medical bills in excess of that.
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Book of Milwaukee Circus Parade by Rolling Stone's photographer, Lyn Goldsmith 1989 |
Sadder too is I had already broken my neck and was on full disability before Vicente left Ringling. He KNEW we would barely be making it.
I used all my IRA, 401K and savings to keep things going and get the kids their needs!
So, tax payers, before you ever pay another cent to see Cirque du Soleil, please note that according to case workers in Nevada where there are numerous cases against The Canadian Circus' performers, Child Support requests are greeted with the same deceit and hostility. The fact that there are 'offices' in the US means NOTHING as the only office that matters is payroll and conveniently for the dad, that's safe behind the Canadian boundary.
My apologies and huge thanks to the tax payers who have had to help support my kids through the years BUT perhaps if we stopped aiding and abetting this circus, and went ONLY to the MANY circuses and acts that do follow court orders in the US, they might have to step up.
Then again, countries like Belgium who refuse to reciprocate with our Courts would still be waiting to give dead beat dad refuge again.
If there are any attorneys who believe they might wish to help me to help my kids who have lived almost a poverty existence while Spanish pass ported dad and Mexican pass ported mom stay free in our 5 star hotels and seem to get immunity set aside for DIPLOMATS...please write!
The saddest part of all is that while they steal millions out of the pockets of American tax payers, GREAT companies like Ringling, Disney, Clyde Beatty, SHRINE, Big Apple, Hanneford, Wallenda, Rodriguez, Vargas, Carden, Jordan, Coronas, (to name a few), etc.. have to compete for work against them. We have fantastic talent here in the US and great law abiding US citizens running and performing on them. Cirque du Soleil is hurting families while ironically labeled as 'family' and 'children's' entertainment.
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Charlie performing and singing in Spanish |
The rejection from their dad and the Company that is closer to an off Broadway show with a circus theme rather than a circus itself has been anything BUT entertaining.
Recently he told my son he would speak to him ONLY if my son would never speak to me again...and you wonder why we have parenting classes in our Court system?)
If you're thinking they deserve it, they risk their lives on the high wire...well, so did I, WHILE PREGNANT. I did it without the use of safety wires and nets. With the safety accommodations they now have, where there is little more skill or danger than that of a balance beam lying on a floor mat.
Please see my youtube video under Charlie Hackett Circus.
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Cynthia 'Charlie' working High Wire in Germany... 3 months pregnant with their son, Chris. |
It's an illusion folks. There's little danger at all because of the safety riggings they try to hide on the current QUIROS high wire. However, the complete disregard for documents and medical insurance is just as real as the sick gut feeling you're having right now over being deceived once again into farming our work out to foreigners who get breaks we never even dreamed of.
Unless of course you are NOT a dead beat dad, (my apologies to all the great and good dads who would never have done such a thing),...but that's not what we're dealing with.
How about an entire DEAD BEAT COMPANY?
In case you are wondering how this show manages to steal work here that US Citizen's CAN do.....? Well, they allege that each individual artists' work is unique and therefore The Quiros High Wire is different than others....heehee, another loophole, we hire outside for things we cannot get here.
That's weird, I know GREAT high wire artists right here in the US who are not working. In fact, there are entire shows without work because of Cirque du Soleil shows both touring and in Vegas!
I have even heard that The Big Apple, another GREAT US Company has been hit hard by the Canadian Circus.
The QUIROS HIGH WIRE? Huh, they're not even the 'fame' name in the Wire business, right Ricky?
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Cynthia and her 'ex' lol |
All pictures in this blog are of me and anyone is welcome to copy or duplicate.
Also, is my website.
Youtube Charlie Hackett and add 'Circus' or 'Autism Fund Raiser' to see my performing.
I am now completely disabled and would LOVE to help out my kids with this money! My oldest wants to go to college and needs help as a single mommy with three beautiful kids,

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The beautiful Anabelen with her three children Trven David, Kaden Edward and Alivia Rae. |
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Grandma Cynthia with Kaden 2009 |
My next daughter's birthday is tomorrow and she's spending a year in Central America and Africa as a missionary to help build schools and bring hope to those less fortunate. She recently made a short film documentary with Speak Up Revolution called 'Oblivion'. I would love to get her career started and help her do her missionary work.
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'Nay Nay' saving the world by spreading faith, love and hope. Nicaragua 2012. Only her Aunt recognizes her on the paternal side. |

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Nay Nay and her little brother, Dezi |
My older son is very talented, you can youtube Autumn Fever, 'Emily' to see and hear him.
I would love to help get him recorded
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Chris Hackett. Extraordinary talent. Song writer, performer, bass, electric and acoustic guitar, keyboards, singer, screamer and a phenomenal drummer. |

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Chris, Dezi and Kaden's birthday! 8/8/11 |
My little one is a remarkable 6 year old and has Autism. The savings, retirement, home, belongings, etc...I used to support my kids when we were abandoned SHOULD have been what we live on now BUT I need everyone to share and care.
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Charlie and Vicente's kids, She was supporting them on the road in the Circus alone. Not even a phone call from Vicente or his family when Chris was born. Chris's 1st birthday 1995 |
I mean no harm to the great people who work for Soleil and take care of their families.
I just wish they'd help get the word to Guy Libertine or someone who is at the top who would care.
Thank you for reading and caring.